Why "AEdventure"?

Why is there an E in Adventure?

"AEdventure" is a play on words we created from a mash up of our names (Andrew and Elizabeth) and Adventure. I originally coined the term when I started drawing small comics / doodles for Andrew that centered around our inside jokes, whatever big things were going on in our lives at the moment, or just as "notes" I would do for him to help him feel loved / appreciated.

I would sketch out a doodle for him and then pass it to him later on and watch as his face slowly split into a wide grin and he began laughing at whatever it was that I had drawn for him.

Since then, I have started to apply it to other areas of our lives as well, such as photo memory books of each year, or to label our "bucket list" of things we would like to do together during the year.

When I was creating this blog for adoption, I decided that this - adoption and parenthood in general - was probably the biggest "AEdventure" we'll ever undertake together.

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